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Covenant Teens Programs
At Covenant Presbyterian, our Teen Church program is an exciting and engaging way for teenagers to explore their faith. Our fun programs offer a variety of opportunities for teens to deepen their understanding of their faith, including confirmation classes and service projects. Join us as we come together to grow in our relationship with God and each other.
Convenant Teens
During Worship (10:00 Sundays)
Teens stay with the larger church body. They fully participate in the life of the church.
Coming soon, the teens who are ready to join the church can participate in confirmation in order that they have a firm grasp on the Christian faith and understand what is asked of them as a covenant partner (member).
Opportunities to Serve
There are many ways for teens to get involved and serve at CPC. Some students serve with AV tech during the service. Some students are great with kid ministry. If you have a desire and a gift, we would love to have you serve with us!

Teen Gallery
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